KUMSAN; by increasing environmental awareness of individuals, institutions, and organizations with whom it interacts directly and indirectly throughout the product creation, delivery, and end-of-life cycle, accepts the responsibility to be sustainable, to fulfill environmental responsibilities towards local and regional neighbors by preserving biodiversity, and to continuously make improvements that will reduce climate change with environmentally friendly processes and products. It establishes systems that prioritize the efficient use of the environment and natural resources in all its processes and ensures their continuity.

  • Adheres to existing laws and regulations by monitoring publications related to the environment.
  • Works for the transfer of a sensitive, clean, and healthy environment to future generations in response to climate change.
  • Controls and minimizes environmental pollution at its source through the environmental management system, preventing and protecting principles.
  • Provides necessary information and training to subcontractors and relevant organizations in line with environmental objectives and goals.
  • Directs environmental activities to support other policy elements.
  • Commits to continuously improve environmental performance.